First Industrial Fair

The new Japanese navy band, resplendent in western uniforms, played at the inaugural ceremony of Japan's first industrial fair. The Emperor and Empress arrived in their royal coaches to open the exposition. The year was 1877, the tenth year of the reign of the Meiji Emperor. The fair was located at Ueno, notable as the site of the Kanenji Buddhist temple. It illustrated the remarkable progress made in the nine years since the reformation of the central government. The Japanese government had participated in the international fairs of Vienna in 1873 and of Philadelphia in 1876 and had felt the need of a trade show of their own. The emphasis was on industry, for the promoters of the fair hoped to show that Japan's craftsmen and industrial designers could produce western-type goods as well as traditional Japanese items. The fair lasted for 102 days and was a great success. Six more such industrial expositions were held during the Meiji period.

Main Page
The New Japan
Trains Run on Time
Industrial Beginnings
Satsuma Rebellion
First Industrial Fair

Dancing and Diplomacy
The First Constitution
War with China
War with Russia
The New Face of Tokyo
Toward the Future